Tell Deatrich
Tell has been a full time rancher since 2015 and he is able to work in his shop during the winter months. Tell generally makes knives but has started engraving in recent years. Building western jewelry and gear has mostly been an exercise in engraving, though he has had a long time interest in building bits and spurs. The artistry involved in creating functional pieces that are pleasing to the eye is a great challenge. Tell enjoys seeing other makers tackle the artistry aspect and he also enjoys this challenge himself. The 2023 bit entry was challenging, but he wanted the viewer to recall the original diamond shape that was prominent in the original Garcia bit. Keeping this bit traditional Tell also wanted to have his own original style in his design. The border of the concho reflects the modified diamond shape and the slight engraving on the cricket. It was also important to have the viewer be reminded of the crescent moon as they look over the mouthpiece and the rein chain stirrups.