Connor Garwood
Connor Garwood has spent most of his life cowboying on ranches from where he grew up in Nebraska to Wyoming, Nevada, and now Arizona where he’s currently colt starter and a cowboy on the ORO Ranch. When he’s not horseback, the 25-year-old craftsman is working on his next bit or pair of spurs. Connor became interested in making bits and spurs as a teenager after watching a Bruce Cheaney spur making video. He was 16 when he built his first pair of spurs at his grandpa’s shop with the help of his grandpa. He’d read about and admired the work of bit and spur maker Gary Wiggins who his mom got in contact with and just before his 18th birthday, he traveled to Brewster, Kansas, and built his 8th set of spurs in Wiggins shop. He returned five more times and built his first curb, snaffle and spade bit and learned how to engrave. Still early in his craftsmanship, he says his favorite thing to hear is how good his spurs fit, or a bridle rides. When asked about his deep steel engraving style he replies “I guess it’s the one plus to my mule headedness”.