Riley Wells
I am Riley Wells, a bit and spur maker hobbyist from Lewiston, Utah. I grew up in southern Idaho and was always helping on my family’s small ranch. My dad was my welding and vo/ag teacher in high school, and he taught me to weld. Ever since then I have had the desire to work with metal and build things. I am honored to be part of the bit contest this year. I would consider myself a hobbyist at the bit and spur making trade, and it seems to pretty much consume all of my weekends and holidays. I made my first bit just a couple of years ago and ever since have just been striving to become better. My goal has always been to make something that is first of all functional as well as eye appealing. Recently I have been trying to improve my engraving and ornamentation. I want to give a huge thanks to the folks who have helped me become better at the trade with first my dad Kevin Wells, Danney Smith (father-in-law), Kaylissa Wells, Travis Clelland, and Wilson Capron. From engraving lessons, little tricks of the metal trades, and sometimes harsh critiques that help me be better, I thank all of them!