Richard Foreman

Richard Foreman Richard Foreman was born and raised in a small town in Illinois where few would expect to find a future cattle rancher and rawhide braider. At 22 years old, he began packing and guiding for big game hunts in Idaho where he learned his love for working with horses. This love led him … Read more

Kelly Wahlen

Kelly Wahlen Kelly was born in Clearfield, Utah, on December 24, 1957, and was the only child of Jack and Mildred Wahlen. His dad owned a small piece of land in Clinton where he built a barn, corrals, stalls and a small track flanking the exterior of the land, later to have bucking chutes and … Read more

Kaylissa Wells-Smith

Kaylissa Wells-Smith I’m from Lewiston, Utah, where I currently reside, and my family runs around 100 head of cattle. I grew up riding and showing horses, helping out on the ranch and participating in many 4-H and FFA activities as well as reined cow horse competitions. When I first started horse 4-H, my dad gave … Read more

Albert Zwahlen

Albert Zwahlen I got my start braiding about 18 years ago when one of my good friends showed me how to braid eight strands of parachute cord into a set of reins. I knew then I wanted to keep making things braiding. Knowing I wanted to make these things, I wanted to make them better … Read more

Jesse Bolton

Jesse Bolton Jesse Bolton is a first-generation cowboy residing in far northeast California. After seeing braided rawhide gear for the first time as a teenager, he developed an interest in learning how to make it himself. His career as a rawhide braider wouldn’t truly start until in 2009 after he and Nate Gifft spent a … Read more

John Wright

John Wright John Wright is from a ranching and rodeo family in Nevada where he has crafted fine leather working gear from a very young age and is the third-generation owner of J.M. Capriola Co., John grew up knowing the importance of artistry and quality. Early on, John knew he wanted to be an artist … Read more

Tell Deatrich

Tell Deatrich Tell has been a full time rancher since 2015, and he is able to work in his shop during the winter months. Tell’s dad was able to find a great mentor for Tell in his third grade year. Mr. Henry was a retired industrial arts teacher that made time for Tell to come … Read more

Matt Wilson

Matt Wilson “Participating in the Cowboy Arts and Gear Bit Contest, allows me to showcase my own style, while paying homage to tradition,” Matt explained. Matt and his wife, Rachel, have been married 28 years; 25 of those years spent raising their five daughters, riding, roping and ranching, enjoying living rurally, and having a lot … Read more

Jake Brown

Jake Brown Jake grew up on a ranch west of Winnemucca, Nevada. He spent nearly three decades buckarooing in Elko County on some of the biggest ranches in the west. He is an accomplished rawhide braider and decided to give the bit making a try after a good friend of his (Curt Waddington) showed him … Read more

Stephen Hoyt

Stephen Hoyt Stephen Hoyt is from Washington, Missouri. He’s a retired welder who likes making bits and spurs, silversmithing, and engraving. Stephen has taken some engraving classes to learn and expand his engraving skillset. “I really enjoy the journey of bit making, studying the old bits, and trying to improve and learn.”